
The USDA and FDA recently announced their historic agreement to jointly regulate meat grown from animal cells, helping pave the pathway to commercialization of what’s often called cultured meat, clean meat, and now the newest term: cell-based meat.

Start-ups culturing meat and their supporters point out that cellular agriculture

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The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service and the Food and Drug Administration are teaming up in October for a joint public meeting on the use of cell culture techniques to develop products derived from livestock and poultry.

Set for Oct. 23-25, planned discussion topics for the public meeting include
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Commercial speech is not easily restricted. Earlier this summer, some state restrictions on speech by companies in the alcohol business were struck down by a federal court.

Missouri’s first in the country state law prevents vegan and plant-based businesses from using words like “meat” and “beef” and “chicken” and “sausage”
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Consumer Reports, published by the 7 million-member nonprofit Consumers Union, last week reported on survey results showing the public expects laboratory-produced meat from cultured animal cells to be clearly labeled. The results show the public favors different language that those pushing the new products.

“By an overwhelming margin, our survey
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As the world’s population balloons, agriculture and science have converged to create sustainable, innovative solutions to food production. The fruits of this “Ag Tech” evolution includes groundbreaking technology that has fomented the production of “clean meat” via cellular agriculture as a viable alternative to conventional animal agriculture.  Given the novelty
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