The Food and Drug Administration recently sent warning letters to a baked goods manufacturer in New York, a ready-to-eat (RTE) food manufacturer in Georgia, and livestock auctioneer in Ohio, because inspectors found significant violations of U.S. food safety laws at their operations.

Businesses have 15 days to respond in writing
Continue Reading FDA warns firms for Listeria, rodents, potentially harmful drug residues in livestock

The Food and Drug Administration recently sent warning letters to a seafood processor in Chile, Greece, and India and a Ready-To-Eat (RTE) salad, sandwich, and institutional meals manufacturing facility in New York because inspectors found significant violations of U.S. food safety laws at their operations.

Businesses have 15 days to
Continue Reading Seafood processors, RTE meals manufacturing facility warned by FDA

Velvet Ice Cream Company Inc.’s ice cream manufacturing facility in Utica, OH, was inspected by the FDA from Jan. 23 to Feb. 14 and the results were not good. Lab tests showed the plant was harboring the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.

Environmental samples collected at the facility during this year’s inspection
Continue Reading Velvet Ice Cream Company warned for Listeria in production facility

A Ready-to-Eat (RTE) single-serve condiment manufacturer from New York and a shelf-stable RTE hot sauce manufacturer are both on notice from the Food and Drug Administration for violations of federal food safety rules.

The FDA sent warning letters to the companies in September and August of 2018 and posted them
Continue Reading FDA warns ready-to-eat condiment and hot sauce manufacturers 

Provisions of the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP), under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration, were enacted in 2015. They mandate that foreign suppliers provide the same level of food safety protection for their products as domestic suppliers are required to provide for theirs.

This is needed as
Continue Reading FSVP compliance with FSMA achievable with A, B, C approach