Scientists say a database created in a European project could improve food safety.

The database of food metagenomes was developed as part of the EU-funded MASTER project. Metagenomes are the genomic material from all microorganisms in an environment.

The curatedFoodMetagenomicData (cFMD) is a database of metagenomes from food. DNA sequencing

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Scientists have found an increase in botulism and salmonellosis in Ukraine compared to before the invasion by Russia.

To analyze the war’s effects on infectious disease epidemiology, researchers used open-source data on eight diseases from EPIWATCH, an artificial intelligence early-warning system.

They looked at patterns of infectious diseases before and

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Research funded in part by the CDC has shown that food irradiation could reduce the number of foodborne outbreaks caused by pathogens.

For the project, researchers looked at 2,153 foodborne outbreaks from 2009 to 2020 caused by Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria monocytogenes. Of those, 482 included information regarding

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The implementation of a new traceability rule is more than a year and a half away, and the FDA won’t start enforcing the requirements of the rule until 2027, but a former agency leader says companies should begin making changes now.

Frank Yiannas, the former deputy commissioner of food policy

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A recent review assessed how technology can play a role in early warning and emerging risk identification systems.

The review covers the existing applications of artificial intelligence, big data, and internet of things (IoT) in developing early warning and emerging food safety risk identification tools and methods. Information comes from

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Two examples showing the benefits and challenges of agencies moving from paper-based to digital systems have been published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The first covers how the country of Georgia developed a digital system for food control data.

The National Food Agency used to receive control

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The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) plans to publish reports on cell-based food, precision fermentation, and whole genome sequencing (WGS) in 2024.

FAO and the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) held a meeting on cell-based food production and precision fermentation in Shanghai in November 2023. A report on

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