I am off to IAFP in the morning to Salt Lake City to participate on this panel discussion on Tuesday AM. I look forward to a reasoned and lively discussion.
Also, Food Safety News will be there – come by the booth – lots of swag.
Also, welcome to Europe Bureau, Joe Whitworth, and a “Tip-o-pen” to all the great staff writers over the last 10 years. Some of whom have gone on to greater things.
Andrew Schneider
Catharine Huddle
Cathy Siegner
Cookson Beecher
Gretchen Goetz
Helena Bottemiller
James Andrews
Lydia Zuraw
Kelsey Mackin
Mary Rothschild
Phyllis Entis
Ross Anderson
And, special thanks to Dan Flynn (I have known him for 41 years) and Coral Beach.
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