Glass pieces in peach slices and possibly mixed fruit sold under the Nice! brand in Walgreens stores have spurred a nationwide recall of the products. “Consumers could potentially be cut or injured if ingested. To date there has been one complaint on the peaches and no complaints on the mixed fruits,” distributor Milky Way International Trading Corp. reports. Milky Way International Trading Corp. also reported the jars of fruit have been pulled from Walgreens stores in its recall notice on the Food and Drug Administration website. Consumers could still have the potentially dangerous products in their homes and are urged to check their cupboards for the jars of sliced peaches and mixed fruit, which have expiration dates in December 2017. The recalled jars of fruit can be identified by the following label information:
- Nice! Peach Slices in Light Syrup, 8-ounce jars, Item # 80894, 12/15/2017, UPC number 0-49022-80894-2 with Lot number 3700/01069 on the neck of the jars
- Nice! Mixed Fruit in Light Syrup, 8-ounce jars, Item # 80896,12/08/2017, UPC number 0-49022-80896-6 with Lot number 3700/01069 on the neck of the jars
“If you have any of the affected product(s) on hand, please do not consume and return/refund to place of purchase. For any questions, please contact Milky Way International immediately at 888-496-9187 Monday to Friday between 8am to 5pm PST” according to the recall notice. (To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)