More than 100 people were reportedly sickened after a high school sports banquet held Dec. 8 in the Atlanta, GA, area. The cause of the gastrointestinal problems, which affected several high school football players from Centennial High School in Roswell, GA, and their parents, has not been determined. The symptoms were said to include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Fulton County Health Department officials and school district staff were investigating to determine the source. The mother of one football player told a local media outlet that her son had been diagnosed with Salmonella. The school principal wrote a letter Dec. 9 to parents apologizing for the situation and noting that it’s unclear whether a virus or a foodborne illness was to blame. “We want to first say how sorry we are that many of you are sick after attending the banquet. Most of all the coaches and board members have been affected with this illness,” stated the letter from Kibbey Crumbley. She asked those with symptoms to stay home, wash their hands frequently, and thoroughly clean surfaces after contact with an infected or ill person.