The number of Slamonella Bredeney infections linked to peanut products from New Mexico-based Sunland, Inc. rose again today, reaching 38, up from the 35 cases last reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The three newly counted cases occurred in California (2) and New Mexico (1), according to CDC’s latest report. Food Safety News reported on the case of the New Mexico victim, a five-year-old girl, Monday. The total number of cases by state is as follows: Arizona (1), California (7), Connecticut (3), Illinois (1), Louisiana (1), Massachusetts (3), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (1), Missouri (2), Nevada (1), New Jersey (2), New Mexico (1), New York (1), North Carolina (1), Pennsylvania (2), Rhode Island (1), Texas (5), Virginia (1) and Washington (2). Of those sickened, 66 percent have been children under the age of 10. A full 29 percent of victims have been hospitalized, but no deaths have been reported. CDC says it is important for consumers to avoid any recalled Sunland products. A full list of these products is available here. “This is especially important for children under the age of 5 years, older adults, and people with weak immune systems because these people are at a higher risk for serious illness,” notes the agency. Health officials continue to investigate whether any other products from Portales, NM-based Sunland may be contaminated.