Makowski’s Real Sausage Co. in Chicago Saturday recalled some 1,305 pounds of cooked bratwurst sausage products because of misbranding and the undeclared allergen, milk, that is not declared on the label. No illnesses have yet been associated with the recalled sausage products. Subject to recall are: -10-lb. packages of “Real Sausage Co. COOKED WHITE BRATWURST 4-1” -10-lb. packages of “Real Sausage Co. COOKED WHITE BRATWURST 3-1” Establishment number “EST. 6844” is marked on the package inside the USDA mark of inspection and the Julian dates of: 17812, 18812, 25112, 25712 or 26512. The products were produced June 25, July 5, Sept. 6, Sept. 12, and Sept. 20, 2012 and were shipped to foodservice distributors for hotel, restaurant and other institutional use throughout Illinois. The problem was discovered by USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) during a routine label review and may have occurred due to a misprinting of the product’s label. FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers. Consumers and media with questions about the recall should contact the company’s president, Nicole Makowski, at (312) 842-5330