For the third time this year, a Montesano, Wash. creamery’s cheeses have tested positive for Listeria.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Saturday warned consumers that 18 varieties of Estrella Family Creamery cheese, including soft, semi-soft and hard cheese, may pose health risks.  All of the cheese is made from raw cow or goat milk aged 60 days or more.

A complete product list was not immediately available but the FDA said some of the varieties include Black Creek Buttery, Dominoes, Guapier, Grisdale Goat, Subblime, Partly Sunny, Wynoochee River Blue, Caldwell Crik Chevrette, Old Apple Tree Tomme, Valentina, Vineyard Tomme, Brewleggio, Red Darla, Reposee, Bea Truffled, Jalapeno Buttery and Weebles.

Estrella recalled its Wynochee River Blue, Red Darla, Brewleggio and Domino brand cheeses in February and its Old Apple Tree Tomme cheese in March because of Listeria contamination. The FDA says the creamery resumed marketing in May.

Estrella cheeses are sold at specialty cheese shops, farmers markets, the company’s store in Montesano, and via the Internet.  The company also supplies cheese to restaurants and has participated in cheese contests.

The FDA said consumers should discard any Estrella cheese in a sealed container so that children or animals cannot access it.

Listeria can cause fever, headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.  Healthy individuals may experience only short-term symptoms but those with weakened immune systems, including young children and frail or elderly people, are particularly at risk.  Listeria infections can result in miscarriages or stillbirths among pregnant women.

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said the FDA had recalled Estrella cheese.   Instead, the FDA advisory said all lots of Estrella Family Creamery cheeses put consumers at risk for Listeria.