American Agriculture is letting the U.S. Senate know that 68 months is long enough to go without a USDA under secretary for food safety.

Ten of the nation’s largest and most influential agricultural organizations have written the Senate’s leadership, calling for an immediate vote to confirm Mindy Brashears as USDA’s
Continue Reading Ag groups tell Senate it is time to confirm Mindy Brashears as Under Secretary for Food Safety

Sept16FDA-hearingIt’s an oft-heard statement from officials at the Food and Drug Administration: The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requires sufficient funding allocated by Congress in order to be a success. The testimony that Acting FDA Commissioner Stephen Ostroff and Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine Michael Taylor gave before
Continue Reading FDA Tells Senate Subcommittee Full Funding is ‘Absolutely Critical’ for FSMA Success

The $180-billion “minibus” package of appropriations bills to fund agriculture and other government programs for fiscal 2015 was pulled from the Senate floor Thursday afternoon by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) after his attempt failed to require 60 votes to adopt any amendments. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) objected

Continue Reading Senate Vote on Agriculture Funding Bill Delayed Twice by Partisan Wrangling