Researchers from The Ohio State University have conducted a study on the attribution, burden and economic costs of foodborne illnesses associated with leafy greens in the United States. The study, led by Xuerui Yang and Robert Scharff, sheds light on the impact of leafy greens on public health and the

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The Food Safety Tech’s Hazards Conference Series and CFI Think Tank is slated for April 3-5 in Columbus, OH. Co-developed by the Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention (CFI) at The Ohio State University and Food Safety Tech, the conference will feature industry and academia experts offering practical guidance

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Food Safety  and the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service have selected four Food Safety Fellows through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) program. The fellows are students currently working toward their doctoral degrees and have an interest in improving
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The Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention (CFI) at The Ohio State University has been awarded $770,000 to improve food safety and prevent foodborne illnesses in Kenya.

The project, “Chakula salama: a risk-based approach to reducing foodborne diseases and increasing production of safe foods in Kenya,” includes researchers from
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A sugar and amino acid compound called fructose-asparagine never previously recognized as a nutrient for any organism is the stuff that makes Salmonella grow and it could be key to the pathogen’s demise. Brian Ahmer, associate professor of microbial infection and immunity at The Ohio State University, says the nutrient
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