William H. Oshiro, owner of RZM Food Factory, Makawao, HI, has agreed to stop processing and distributing food until he demonstrates to FDA that RZM Food Factory’s facility and practices comply with federal food safety requirements. The agreement, known as a consent decree or permanent injunction, was signed by a
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radish sprouts
Can the Leafy Greens Industry Learn Anything from Sprouted Seeds?
It was the illustrious wartime leader, Winston Churchill, who said, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” With this in mind it was somewhat inevitable that the first major news stories of 2013 have been the outbreaks in Canada and Ohio linked to lettuce contaminated…
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Sprouts and History's Worst E. coli Outbreak
Recent outbreaks linked to fresh sprouts remind us that toxic microbes can sometimes travel in small and seemingly healthful packages.
The Japanese need no reminder. They learned the hard way, 15 years ago, when that health-conscious society was gripped by what may be history’s worst outbreak of E. coli O157:H7.
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