Here’s the situation regarding food safety on Day 13 of the partial government shutdown: As yet, there are no worries.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are operating because their budgets went through the regular appropriations process. Also, there are the about 2,700 state and local health departments
Continue Reading Crucial federal food safety inspections, recalls, investigations continue despite partial shutdown of government

If President Donald J. Trump or North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un desire some home-cooking today waiting for tomorrow’s big summit, they’ll have no problem finding plenty of American and Korean foods in Singapore.  And they can rest assured about food safety during their visit to the Republic of
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On his 470th day in the Oval Office, President Donald J. Trump Friday announced his intention to nominate Dr. Mindy Brashears as the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) next Under Secretary for Food Safety.   It will be many more days before the Texan food safety expert takes office.

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The United States of America is 400 days into President Donald J. Trump’s administration, yet four top USDA jobs remain vacant. The vacant positions aren’t what you call insignificant. After the Secretary of Agriculture, they are likely the most important jobs at USDA, especially when it comes to delivery of
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In the fiscal year 2019 budget that sets out to cut domestic programs by almost $700 billion over 10 years, federal food safety has not only escaped the knife but made some small gains.

President Donald J. Trump’s $1.1 trillion discretionary budget proposal adds $9.4 billion to the Department of
Continue Reading It gives only a little, but Trump budget takes nothing way from food safety programs

The USDA is today publishing a notice in the Federal Register to further delay and reconsider new mandates for handling and transporting livestock and providing avian “living conditions” for poultry raised as organic food.

Without the action, the new requirements under the National Organic Program would have taken effect today.
Continue Reading USDA delays Obama’s organic livestock standards for review