Five members of Congress, four Republicans and one Democrat, have joined together in comments to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service on a petition filed nearly one year ago by Perdue Farms.

The petition requests that FSIS conduct rule-making to define separate “free range” and “pasture-raised” claims for meat and

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The petition Perdue Farms Inc. filed with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) March 16 is still generating comments. The petition was assigned to the FSIS Office of Policy and Program Development.

Perdue said FSIS’s conflation of the definition of “free range” and “pasture-raised” has caused industry-wide confusion and

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A petition was submitted on behalf of Perdue Farms LLC earlier this month, requesting rulemaking by USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) to define separate “free range” and “pasture-raised” claims for meat and poultry products. It is the third such petition submitted to FSIS this year.

The petition also

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