When he makes his first court appearance tomorrow in Austin, TX, former Blue Bell Creameries President Paul Kruse will not be alone.

Chris Flood of Houston and John D. Cline of San Francisco, the defense team that got him off on the same charges in July, is again defending Kruse,
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New documents filed in U.S. District Court for Western Texas in Austin say the former chief executive of Blue Bell Creameries remains free on a $50,000 unsecured bond.

Federal Magistrate Judge Mark Lane ordered Brenham, TX, resident Paul Kruse freed immediately after conditions of the defendant’s release were processed by
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After almost three weeks with almost no activity, the criminal case involving the United States v. Paul Kruse has inched forward.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Lane filed an order setting a telephone conference for the case. The conference apparently occurred on May 19, but no electronic summary is available on
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