Listeria monocytogenes has been found for the second time in the Columbus, OH, production kitchen of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. According to CEO John Lowe, the bacteria were discovered through “routine swabbing as part of our monitoring program.” He said Friday that ice cream production, which had just resumed there
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John Lowe
After Recall, Jeni’s Scoop Shops Reopening for Memorial Day Weekend
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Jeni’s CEO: Listeria ‘Smoking Gun’ was Spout of One Production Machine
In an update posted Wednesday from John Lowe, CEO of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, he said that swab testing had found Listeria on the spout of one machine in the company’s production kitchen in Columbus, OH. “We can now say that we believe we located the smoking gun,” he said,…
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A Tale of Two Recalls: Blue Bell and Jeni’s Ice Cream
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … ” So begins “A Tale of Two Cities,” the famous novel by Charles Dickens about events leading up to the French Revolution. While two ice cream companies’ recent recalls pale in relative significance to world history, they…
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