Five inspectors from the Centre for Food Safety in Hong Kong have been charged for stealing food samples.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) recently filed charges against the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) health inspectors.

A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said the five employees

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Scotland is planning a new food sampling strategy to tackle challenges associated with the current approach to testing.

The proposed model has four strands of surveillance managed and funded by Food Standards Scotland (FSS), and is separate from the verification sampling by local authorities as part of their routine inspections.
Continue Reading Food testing gets overhaul in Scotland; feeder mice issue revisited

Four lessons have been identified involving regulation during COVID-19 by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI).

They include the role of early warning and emerging risk systems to help authorities respond quickly to new threats and how by accepting an impact on official controls, agencies can maintain high priority
Continue Reading Irish agency highlights key food safety lessons during COVID-19

There was a decline in reports of four foodborne pathogens and the number of incidents and recalls in the past year, according to the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) annual report.

It covers activities in 2020-2021 across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK leaving
Continue Reading Public health annual report details foodborne illnesses, impact of COVID