About 40 agricultural and consumer groups have asked the U.S. Justice Department for an expanded, in-depth antitrust review of the possible takeover of XL Four Star Beef Holdings in the United States by Greeley, CO-based JBS, USA. The request came in a Dec. 21 letter to Attorney General Eric Holder
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‘Fire them all,’ Says R-CALF Chief
By Dan Flynn on
In 1892, disagreements among cattlemen about the use of the open range led to shootings, lynchings, and an open, armed conflict that came to be known as the Johnson County War.
It’s 118 years later, and disagreements among cattlemen over possible intervention by the federal government in markets and…
Letter from the Editor: Antitrust
By Dan Flynn on
As the joint DOJ/USDA workshop on antitrust issues in the meat industry got underway in Fort Collins, CO Friday morning, Attorney General Eric Holder said something that caught my attention.
These hearings are about concentration in the beef and pork industries, and about whether the four ownership groups that control…