Dan-D Pak brand Raw Macadamia Nuts are being recalled after government testing showed Salmonella contamination, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

The recall was posted by the CFIA on July 18 and covers raw macadamia nuts with the dates of PD 2023.FE.14 and BB 2024.FE.14.

No illnesses have been confirmed in relation to the recalled nuts.

Anyone with the nuts is urged to throw they away.

Consumers can identify the recalled nuts by looking for the following information on the packages:

Dan-D PakRaw Macadamia Nuts100 g7 70795 52260 4PD 2023.FE.14
BB 2024.FE.14

About Salmonella infections
Food contaminated with Salmonella bacteria does not usually look, smell, or taste spoiled. Anyone can become sick with a Salmonella infection. Infants, children, seniors, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of serious illness because their immune systems are fragile, according to the CDC.

Anyone who has eaten any of the recalled macadamia nuts and developed symptoms of Salmonella infection should seek medical attention. Sick people should tell their doctors about the possible exposure to Salmonella bacteria because special tests are necessary to diagnose salmonellosis. Salmonella infection symptoms can mimic other illnesses, frequently leading to misdiagnosis.

Symptoms of Salmonella infection can include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever within 12 to 72 hours after eating contaminated food. Otherwise, healthy adults are usually sick for four to seven days. In some cases, however, diarrhea may be so severe that patients require hospitalization.

Older adults, children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems, such as cancer patients, are more likely to develop a severe illness and serious, sometimes life-threatening conditions.

Some people get infected without getting sick or showing any symptoms. However, they may still spread the infections to others.