Metro Ontario Inc. is recalling Metro brand deli trays from the marketplace due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
Consumers should look for the following label information to determine whether they have any of the recalled food.
Brand Name Common Name Size UPC Dates on Product
Metro Snack Delights Small
(serves 8-10) 1un
1 count 0260911 729999 All Best Before dates up to and including 2019.SE28
Metro Snack Delights Large
(serves 11-16) 1un
1 count 0260910 949992 All Best Before dates up to and including 2019.SE28
Metro Fresh 2 Go Snack and Grab Party Tray 450 g 1 count 0222136 414999 All Best Before dates up to and including 2019.OC02
Metro Fresh 2 Go Premium Kolbassa Sausage-Cheese Tray 760 g 1 count 0221922 119995

All Best Before dates up to and including 2019.OC02


Everyone should check to see if the recalled products are in their home. Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the store where they were purchased.

“This recall was triggered by CFIA test results. The agency is conducting a food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products. If other high-risk products are recalled, the CFIA will notify the public through updated Food Recall Warnings,” according to the recall notice.
The CFIA is verifying that industry is removing the recalled products from the marketplace.
No reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products have yet been reported.
Information about Listeria infections
Food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes may not look or smell spoiled but can still cause serious and sometimes life-threatening infections. Anyone who has eaten any of the recalled products and developed symptoms of Listeria infection should seek medical treatment and tell their doctors about the possible Listeria exposure.
Also, anyone who has eaten any of the recalled product should monitor themselves for symptoms during the coming weeks because it can take up to 70 days after exposure to Listeria for symptoms of listeriosis to develop. Symptoms of Listeria infection can include vomiting, nausea, persistent fever, muscle aches, severe headache and neck stiffness. Specific laboratory tests are required to diagnose Listeria infections, which can mimic other illnesses. Pregnant women, the elderly, young children, and people such as cancer patients who have weakened immune systems are particularly at risk of serious illnesses, life-threatening infections and other complications. Although infected pregnant women may experience only mild, flu-like symptoms, their infections can lead to premature delivery, infection of the newborn or even stillbirth.
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