Oregon Department of Agriculture

Urban River Spirits, LLC  is recalling Urban Spirits non-alcoholic drink mixes because the products were produced in an unlicensed and uninspected facility and are potentially under-processed. Under-processing may lead to Clostridium botulinum contamination. 

According to the letter to consumers from Urban River Spirits, LLC, unmet shelf stability testing requirements from

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By legislative action, Oregon is putting up $9 million for the Oregon Department of Agriculture to conduct state meat inspections.

Oregon’s State Inspection Program meets the same regulatory safeguards that USDA requires. Before the Oregon State Inspection Program was officially sanctioned by USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), all meat for

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Oregon’s 12,000 grocery stores, egg handlers, bakeries, shellfish and seafood outlets, food storage warehouses, locker plants, licensed domestic kitchens, beverage processors, and meat and dairy facilities are not getting inspected enough by the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

And its become a bit embarrassing because the Statesman Journal newspaper first reported
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Although a county epidemiologist reported extensive details this week on a multi-state outbreak of Salmonella linked to tuna, federal agencies won’t release information on the investigation, which began more than a month ago.

Before the epidemiologist’s presentation to the Clark County, WA, health board on Wednesday, no agencies at the
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An increasing workload and problems with turnover, management oversight and inefficient use of data have all contributed to an inspection backlog of thousands of licensed businesses in Oregon. That’s according to a recently released performance audit of the state’s food safety program, which is housed within the Oregon Department of

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State agriculture officials will not be inspecting Oregon farms for compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act anytime soon under a resolution unanimously approved last week by the Oregon State Board of Agriculture. The resolution, adopted June 8 at the board’s meeting in John Day, OR, states that since
Continue Reading Oregon delays seeking federal funds for on-farm FSMA compliance checks