A national assessment was launched this past week aimed at identifying the knowledge and training needs of retail food regulators. The assessment, developed by the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) as part of the NEHA-FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model (RFFM) Grant Program, is being promoted widely, using the findings to

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The Denver-based National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) has researched and carefully crafted a series of new policy statements in response to concerns from environmental health professionals and industry.

The full policy statements are available at https://www.neha.org/government-affairs/neha-policy-statements . NEHA  represents more than 6,600 governmental, private, academic, and uniformed services sector environmental
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With permission, we repost Doug Farquhar’s most recent summary of food and food safety legislative actions by states.

By Doug Farquhar, JD

State legislatures introduced several hundred bills related to food during their 2021 legislative sessions. Almost every state introduced legislation regarding food. From food delivery, cannabis, and coronavirus
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Editor’s Note:   The following article was first published this past Wednesday by the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) under the headline: “2021 State Enacted Legislation: Food June 2021.”  The author is Doug Farquhar, JD, who is NEHA’s new director of its Government Affairs department.

Until late 2020, Farquhar was
Continue Reading Food and food safety were on the dockets of many state legislatures in 2021

Editor’s note: This is part of a series of articles leading up to the 20th annual Food Safety Summit. The event, from May 7-10 at the Donald Stephens Convention Center in suburban Chicago, includes certification courses; a trade show with exhibitors from industry, academia and government; an extensive list of
Continue Reading NEHA credentialed food safety auditors crucial to supply chain