A verbose 10th Circuit has split with the 8th Circuit over whether lying is constitutionally protected speech. The disputed ground between the Denver-based 10th Circuit and the St. Louis-based 8th Circuit involves their interpretations of so-called “ag-gag” laws in Kansas and Iowa.

In a 2-to-1 opinion, the 10th Circuit on
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A Kansas review of raw milk policies includes everything from banning sales to requiring a 37-word warning label about the health risks of consuming unpasteurized milk.

Kansas does not permit sales of raw milk in retail settings, and for years the state did not allow raw milk advertising. Last year,
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Federal judges did not much like the newer laws to protect animal agriculture from prying eyes. So-called “ag-gag” laws adopted during the last decade in Utah, Idaho, and Iowa were struck mainly down as unconstitutional when challenged by animal rights activists.

Kansas, North Dakota, and Montana, however, adopted ag-gag laws
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Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt and Agriculture Secretary Mike Beam are going along with a consent judgment issued last week by Kansas District Judge Richard Anderson that allows off-the-farm advertising of raw milk in the state for the first time in 52 years.

A Republican, Schmidt and the non-partisan Beam,
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Federal judges have not much liked those state laws restricting spying on animal agriculture that have been adopted since 2010. When challenged by animal activists in federal courts have largely been knocking down the so-called “ag-gag” laws, citing Constitutional grounds.

An older generation of state laws designed to protect animal
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