Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration

A study just published in Emerging Infectious Diseases compared characteristics of outbreak and sporadic, or non-outbreak, foodborne illnesses caused by four different pathogens and found evidence that most were similar regarding patients’ illness severity, gender and age. IFSAC logoThe team of scientists from the Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration (IFSAC) looked
Continue Reading Study finds outbreak and sporadic foodborne illnesses share traits

It looks like the apple, and not the caramel, is getting the blame for the deadly multistate outbreak of Listeriosis linked to caramel apples that occurred late last year. The outbreak sickened 35 people in 12 states, requiring hospitalization for all but one victim. Seven of the sickened people died.
Continue Reading Apples Were Apparently the Contaminated Ingredient in Those Caramel Apples