The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has backed European plans to use whole genome sequencing (WGS) to help solve outbreaks.

The European Commission recently asked for comments on potential legislation requiring EU countries to do WGS during foodborne outbreaks.

The FDA said the proposed regulation would “significantly improve food

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The number of food safety alerts and fraud investigations exchanged between European member states went up in 2023.

The European Commission, which manages the Alert and Cooperation Network (ACN), said there was a significant increase in notifications compared to 2022.

The network includes the Rapid Alert System for Food and

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A high non-compliance rate has been found in Austria as part of an operation targeting imported supplements.

Results come from a multi-agency control campaign on food supplements sold on the Internet.

The operation involved the Federal Office of Consumer Health (BAVG), the Austrian Customs Office, and the Austrian Agency for

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The European Commission has proposed legislation requiring EU countries to do whole genome sequencing (WGS) during foodborne outbreaks.

Officials said the plans would facilitate investigations into outbreaks and the timely detection of the source, which would limit the number of people sick and food recalls and withdrawals.

Member states would

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The European Commission’s health and safety unit has published two reports on Turkey covering dairy products and a follow-up audit on bivalve mollusk controls.

The milk audit, carried out by DG Sante in September 2023, was largely positive, but four recommendations were made.

Turkey is authorized to send dairy products

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