The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed.

Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click here to go to the FDA page
Continue Reading Modified alerts target imported shrimp, papayas, canned crabmeat and more

Fresh crab meat imported from the failed state of Venezuela caused 26 consumers in eight U.S. jurisdictions to suffer from Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections between April 1 and July 19 of this year, but the outbreaks over now.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a curved, rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium found in brackish, saltwater, which,
Continue Reading That Venezuela Vibrio outbreak is over, but CDC still advises caution

Fresh crabmeat, which surprisingly is still being exported from the failed socialist state of Venezuela, has sickened 12 people in three states and the District of Columbia with Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections. Four of the ill have required hospitalization.

The reason that the fresh crabmeat exports are at least somewhat
Continue Reading Fresh imported crabmeat blamed for multi-state Vibrio outbreak

A seafood-processing facility in Gloucester, MA, found with “significant violations” of the seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulation was warned Sept. 26 about corrections that it must make to avoid further action by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In the FDA warning letter, Intershell
Continue Reading FDA Warning Letters: Massachusetts Seafood-Processing Facility