Yesterday and today in Washington, D.C., the Reagan-Udall Foundation is facilitating a public meeting of its Independent Expert Panel on food. 

The independent expert panel has been charged with evaluating the structure, leadership, authorities, resources and culture of the FDA’s human foods program.

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf announced the review

Continue Reading Food safety experts give recommendations to panel charged with reviewing FDA

Consumer groups continue to call for faster and more efficient work from FDA on a variety of topics including heavy metals in baby food and the recent outbreak of cronobacter from infant formula.

The advocacy groups include Consumer Reports, STOP Foodborne illness, the Environmental Working Group, and Healthy Babies Bright

Continue Reading Public action groups call for separate food arm at FDA to streamline food safety

The shortage of infant formula and the food safety reason behind it are front and center for groups like Consumer Reports and the Environmental Working Group, which are calling on Congress to take action.

Representatives from both organizations discussed problems with the internal structure at the Food and Drug Administration
Continue Reading Advocates want answers from feds on infant formula outbreak and shortage; Congress, Biden act to ease situation