Local media is reporting that dozens of people became ill during a computer science conference at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, this past week.

The Montreal public health department is investigating the situation, according to the Montreal Gazette.

“I can confirm that our department has started an investigation, after

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Food Safety News sat down with McGill University Associate Professor Lawrence Goodridge, Ph.D., at IAFP 2015 in Portland, OR, in late July to discuss Salmonella and his team’s new $10-million research project aimed at significantly enhancing our understanding of the bacterium.

Watch the interview here, or skip below for highlights
Continue Reading IAFP 2015: Interview with Lawrence Goodridge, Professor and Salmonella Researcher

http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-images-salmonella-bacteria-blue-background-microbiology-image43059399A food safety team at Montreal’s McGill University has been awarded $10 million for a study intended to answer remaining questions about Salmonella and how food growers can better prevent its contamination. The research team, led by McGill Food Safety Associate Professor Lawrence Goodridge, Ph.D., will first sequence the genomes
Continue Reading McGill Food Safety Team Gets $10 Million for Salmonella Research