What could be more frightening than an unseen enemy — one so stealthy and powerful that it can send you to the hospital or even kill you? And what if that enemy is so small that you can’t see it, don’t even know that it’s there. Maybe right there on
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Handwashing for Life Institute
UPDATED: Hand washing goes high tech during Vegas demo
UPDATED: Coverage of Wednesday activities added The Norovirus Summit III picked up where last week’s Conference For Food Protection left off. Presentations and workshops took on the Norovirus challenge from beating back biofilms to data-driven hand washing systems. Steve Russak, COO of CloudClean, describes the capabilities…
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Better hand washing is possible and necessary
One of the best tools to prevent foodborne illnesses — effective hand washing — is frequently rendered ineffective because of poor execution. New methods of monitoring and improving employees’ hand washing are available, however, and are on the agenda for the Norovirus Summit III Workshop at the Nevada Food Safety…
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