When you think about the food being served in school cafeterias nationwide, do the words meat recall, animal abuse, unsanitary conditions and slaughter plant shutdowns come to mind? Perhaps they should. A few weeks ago, the U.S. Department of Agriculture temporarily shut the doors of Central Valley Meat (CVM), a
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Central Valley Meat Company
USDA Closes Central Valley Meat Co. Over Cleanliness Failures
California’s Central Valley Meat Co. has been indefinitely closed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for failing to meet cleanliness standards. “FSIS withdrew our inspectors and suspended operations due to insanitary conditions at the establishment,” the agency said in an emailed statement to Food Safety News. “The plant’s suspension…
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California Meat Processor Recalls More Ground Beef for Potential Plastic Pieces
A Hanford, CA, meat-processing facility is again recalling ground beef for potentially containing small pieces of plastic. According to a recall notice issued Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Central Valley Meat Company is recalling nearly 90,000 pounds of ground beef in 40-lb. cases…
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Ground Beef Destined for School Lunches Recalled for 'Foreign Materials'
A Hanford, CA, meat company has recalled more than 58,000 pounds of ground beef after a Food Safety and Inspection Service investigation prompted by customer complaints found that the product may contain “foreign materials.” FSIS announced late Thursday that Central Valley Meat Company was recalling the products because it may…
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