Center for Produce Safety (CPS)

Researchers in Spain are working to develop faster, more accurate methods for detecting viruses like human norovirus and hepatitis A in fresh produce.

The project, led by Dr. Susana Guix from the University of Barcelona, aims to improve food safety and reduce false positives. It focuses on leafy greens and

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New research funded by the Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has found that Listeria monocytogenes contamination in produce processing facilities is most likely to occur in non-contact areas such as drains, floors, and ceilings, rather than in direct contact areas like knives and conveyor belts. 

Ana Allende, Ph.D., and her

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The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) ­has funded 12 new research projects, valued at just more than $3.9 million, to help answer some of the industry’s most urgent produce food safety questions.

The topics included in the 12 projects are risk evaluation and mitigation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella, Cyclospora
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Food-grade waxes are applied to many produce items before storage and distribution to control postharvest decay and extend shelf life. But relatively little is known about how different waxes and the waxing step impact microbial food safety.

In her project funded by the Center for Produce Safety (CPS), “Waxing of
Continue Reading Project looks at impact of food-grade waxes on fresh produce food safety