By Jennifer McEntire, Founder, Food Safety Strategy

“I am confident in the safety of the food I eat.” Five years ago, only one-third of U.S. consumers strongly agreed with this statement. While they held the government primarily responsible for food safety, followed by food companies and farmers, when it came

Continue Reading Risk communication with consumers: Lessons needed to earn trust, motivate change


By Donna Garren, executive vice president of science and policy, and Sanjay Gummalla, senior vice president of scientific affairs, both of the American Frozen Food Institute

America’s food industry deserves a scientific and risk-based regulatory framework from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. That’s why the

Continue Reading What can the U.S. FDA learn from Canada’s latest Listeria policy?

By Robert E. Brackett

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI), together with the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA); FMI – The Food Industry Association (FMI); Produce Marketing Association (PMA); and National Fisheries Institute (NFI) recently hosted a Food Safety Forum aimed at critically looking at the current regulatory policies
Continue Reading It’s time for the food industry and regulators to be bold and try something new