Photo of Okanagan Specialty Fruits

OSF is a small, dynamic agriculture biotechnology company based in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada that specializes in developing tree fruit varieties with novel attributes that benefit fruit producers and consumers alike. Founded in 1996, our privately-held firm seeks out and licenses proven technologies that introduce novel attributes into new or existing tree fruits. OSF is one of the first firms in the commercial tree fruit industry to pursue use of genetic engineering and/or precision breeding to deliver product innovations.

OSF is led by apple and cherry grower Neal Carter.  Neal’s work around the globe as a bioresource engineer introduced him to the opportunities offered by biotechnology. We believe strongly in the value that biotechnology can offer the tree fruit industry.

The OSF science team works collaboratively with many of the world’s leading tree fruit research institutions. You can get to know the OSF staff, including the science team, here.

Recently, the activist group Friends of the Earth (FOE) published a release entitled, “McDonald’s, Gerber say no to GMO apples.” This post has a number of extremely misleading and downright false statements, which has led to confusion and misunderstanding for readers and media outlets. In a response to letters FOE
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