A La Carte Foods Properties LLC is recalling more than 15 tons of jambalya, gumbo and red beans entrees it produced for restaurants during a 22-month period ending Oct. 2. The entrees contain third-party ingredients that were not inspected.
Neither A La Carte Foods nor federal officials have named the third-party supplier. The recall notice urges restaurant operators to check to see if they have any of the products on hand. All of the affected products should be destroyed or returned to the place of purchase.
Officers of the Bella Rose, LA, company told federal officials the frozen, ready-to-eat products, which contain smoked sausage and/or chicken, were sold in 12-pound packages. A La Carte Foods packaged the recalled entrees under five different brand names.
A La Cart Foods reported it produced the implicated products on various dates from Jan. 3, 2017, through Oct. 2 this year. It reports shipping the gumbo, jambalaya and red beans with smoked sausage to restaurants in Louisana and Texas.
“The problem was discovered when A La Carte Foods Properties LLC personnel notified FSIS on Oct. 11 that they used meat products from a source that was not federally-inspected to formulate their federally inspected ready-to-eat products,” according to the recall notice posted by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).
As of the posting of the recall, no confirmed illnesses had been reported.
All of the recalled products have either establishment number “EST. 13375” or establishment number “P-13375” printed inside the USDA mark of inspection on their labels.
The recall notice does not include any date codes for the affected products. Photos of the product labels, which are posted on the FSIS website, do not appear to have any use-by, sell-by or best-by date codes. The recalled products have the following label information:
- 12-lb. ready-to-eat frozen packages containing “PONCHATOULAS JAMBALYA RICE with CHICKEN THIGH MEAT AND SMOKED SAUSAGE,” and “Item Number 208304,” and Batch # 25518, 26818, and 27518.
- 12-lb. ready-to-eat frozen packages containing “A PRODUCT OF CRAZY CAJUN LOUISIANA CHICKEN THIGH MEAT & SMOKED SAUSAGE GUMBO,” and “Item Number 591000,” and Batch # 25518 and 26118.
- 12-lb. ready-to-eat frozen packages containing “Phil’s OYSTER BAR & SEAFOOD RESTAURANT CREOLE STYLE CHICKEN THIGH MEAT & SMOKED SAUSAGE GUMBO,” and “Item Number 494103,” and Batch # 01018, 03718, 13518, 23318, 33217, 35517, 36117.
- 12-lb. ready-to-eat frozen packages containing “STEAMBOAT BILLS CHICKEN & SMOKED SAUSAGE GUMBO,” and “Item Number 493007,” and Batch # 00317.
- 12-lb. ready-to-eat frozen packages containing “STEAMBOAT BILLS RED BEANS with SMOKED SAUSAGE,” and “Item Number 493021,” and Batch # 00317.
- 12-lb. ready-to-eat frozen packages containing “SOUTHERN SPOON FOODS CHICKEN THIGH MEAT, SMOKED SAUSAGE, & ANDOUILLE SAUSAGE GUMBO,” and “Item Number 49200,” and Batch # 01618, 02418, 05118, 12217, 12917, 13017, 14317, 16417, 17817, 21317, 24117, 25517, 28317, 29117, 30517, 31217, 32517, 33217, 34017, and 34717.
FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers. When available, the retail distribution list(s) will be posted on the FSIS website at www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls.
Consumers with questions about the recall can contact Chris Landry, Owner, A La Carte Foods Properties LLC at 985-369-2677.
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