Photo of STOP Foodborne Illness

Out of the collective grief and anger of individuals, whose children and families were unmercifully caught in what would come to be known as the West Coast E. coli Outbreak, STOP Foodborne Illness formed under the name Safe Tables Our Priority (STOP).

Today, STOP Foodborne Illness is the voice for all who want to turn awareness into action. We advocate tirelessly to regulate food handling and processing from farm to table. We partner with Congress, the USDA, the FDA, the CDC, and other relevant agencies and organizations to mitigate food safety risks through policy and legislation. We offer peer-to-peer mentoring for victims and families all over the country. We empower others to become food safety advocates themselves through free resources and up-to-date information. We are proud of our nationwide community of 31,000 activists and supporters.

No one wants to think about getting a foodborne illness when celebrating Valentine’s Day but even well meaning, good dining choices, can end the celebration early. Stop Foodborne Illness , a national nonprofit, public health organization dedicated to preventing illness and death from foodborne pathogens, wants you to be aware
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Editor’s note: Michael Taylor and Lauren Bush, co-chairs of the STOP Foodborne Illness board, combined efforts to write this column. To read a related letter STOP’s Chief Executive Director Deirdre Schlunegger sent this week to the FDA, please click here.

On Nov. 1, FDA issued its assessment of factors
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The end of May means it’s nearly time for America’s favorite food lovers’ tradition: visiting your local farmers market. In addition to all the invigorating colors, exquisite aromas, strong flavors, and spirit of community, the farmers market is also an opportunity to develop one-on-one relationships with the people who produce

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Flowers or chocolate? Dining out or staying in? These are the two biggest Valentine’s Day dilemmas. While flowers and chocolates can help make for a great night, poor dining choices can ruin the afterglow of the celebration.

Stop Foodborne Illness wants you to be aware of how preventing foodborne illness
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