In 2003, the animal protection group Compassion Over Killing produced a video exposé of the biggest farm animal industry in our country – the factory farming of chickens raised for meat. Entitled 45 days, it laid out the short, brutal life of a broiler (i.e. meat) chicken: panting, overcrowded,
Continue Reading Why We Haven’t Seen Inside a Broiler Chicken Factory Farm in a Decade

Leah Garcés
Leah is the President of Mercy for Animals ( and established Compassion in World Farming USA ( She is the author of the book 'GRILLED: Turning adversaries into allies to change the chicken industry'. She is an animal advocate who has partnered with some of the largest food companies in the world with a mission to end factory farming. Her work has been featured in many national and international media outlets including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Vice Magazine, and the Chicago Tribune amongst others. Leah serves on the advisory board of Encompass and Seattle Food Tech.