Peanut products manufactured by Sunland Inc. in Portales, N.M. responsible for sickening at least 41 people in the U.S. with Salmonella have fallen under the scrutiny of international food safety authorities in recent weeks. Consumers in Canada, Hong Kong, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Norway have received warnings about the potential danger of imported Sunland products. On Wednesday, the UK’s Food Standards Agency issued a warning to UK consumers concerning Sunland’s products, noting that while Sunland products were likely not sold in UK supermarkets, they may be sold by some online retailers who import American foods. No illnesses have been connected to the recall in the UK. Consumers in Hong Kong were warned of Sunland peanut butter back on November 8. Two Sunland-brand Valencia peanut butter products were imported to Hong Kong and may be contaminated. Canadians have received a number of warnings about Sunland products as well, with many of the products recalled in the U.S. also having been shipped to Canada. The complete list of recalled Sunland products in the U.S. can be read here. Two weeks ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released reports revealing that Sunland allegedly shipped products the company knew to be contaminated with Salmonella. Sunland has since denied those claims.